“Echizen washi is beautiful and strong.”
Theo Jansen is a world-renowned Dutch artist, famous for his Strandbeests.
His strandbeests and echizen washi were collaborated in 2019.
He usually uses parachute clothes for a sail of Strandbeests, but in this case he used echizen washi. He needed strong and pliable washi enough to substitute for parachute clothes.
Taki WASHI Factory responded it and they completed it after repeated trial and error.

Strand Beast catching the wind
Theo Jansen said, "There were many cultural interchange between Dutch and Japan since a long time ago. I found it artistically challenging to create unexpected shapes with washi. I respect traditional crafts of Fukui including Echizen washi. I was deeply impressed to see it actually. There is significance that young craftspeople keep their tradition and creating. It was very pleasure of me to work with them."